Policy and Procedure Manual 2008  



 Alabama State Council Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.

(January 2008)



Policy and Procedure Manual Table of Contents


A.      Alabama State Council                                                          3

Alabama State Council Officers                                                                        3

Executive Committee                                                                                        3

Chapter Delegates                                                                                           3

Eligibility                                                                                                          3

Individual Membership                                                                                 4

Chapters in Good Standing                                                                          4

Requirements                                                                                               4

Other Positions                                                                                               4

Immediate Past President                                                                             4

Representative to SDVA                                                                             4

B.    ASC Meeting and Conventions                                    4

Regular Meetings                                                         4

Executive Committee Meetings                                     4

Committee Meetings                                                    5

ASC Conventions                                                         5

ASC Awards Meetings                                                 6

C.    State Council Committees                                      6

Standing committees                                                     6

Finance committee                                                                                         6

Audit committee                                                                                             6

Fundraising committee                                                                                    6  



Disciplinary committee                                                                                  6

Awards committee                                                                                       6

Membership committee                                                                               6

D.    National Convention and Meetings                    7

E.      Financial policies/attachments                           7

Chapters                                                                                                    8

All funds spent will be approved by the Alabama State Council                      8

Travel Expenses and Authorization                                                               9

F.      ASC Election procedures                                   10

G.        Disciplinary Code/Policy                           12

H.         Amendments                                                    12



The Alabama State Council, Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. (ASC) consists of the following elements as prescribed by the ASC Bylaws:


ASC Officers (All State Council officers must provide a copy of DD 214 to be eligible for elected positions.) Duties for elected officers and appointed individuals are included in the ASC Bylaws or are assigned duties by the President with approval of the State Council.


*  President

*  Vice President

*  Second Vice President

*  Treasurer

*  Secretary


*  Immediate Past President


*  Chaplain (Non Voting)(Appointed)

*  Sergeant at Arms (Non Voting)(Appointed)

*  Liaison -Alabama Associate Vietnam Veterans of America (AVVA) (Non Voting) (Appointed by AVVA)


*  Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs Representative


The Executive Committee (EC) consists of those elected and appointed individuals as indicated by the * above and any other individuals as appointed by the President. The EC meets immediately prior to ASC Meeting to oversee the business of the ASC. The EC may also conduct business by phone or email if needed.


Chapter Delegates to ASC - Selected individual members representing Alabama VVA Chapters in good standing. Each chapter is represented by 2 delegates and additional delegates according to the State Bylaws. Each Chapter shall notify the ASC of these duly selected delegates and one alternate for each delegate selected (name, address, phone, email). Only these delegates may vote. The ASC secretary will call role to insure quorum of delegates and officers present.


Others   VVA members and guests are welcome are attended the ASC regular meetings.




State Council Delegate Individual VVA Member - Selected by chapter - Reported to ASC Secretary by chapter on " Report of Elections" by June 1 each year. If for any reason all selected delegates and alternates are unable to attend an ASC meeting, substitute delegates may be sent to represent the chapter interests and vote. Any and all substitutes must have written(or electronic submission such as email) authorization from

the chapter president. The substitute may attend only one meeting in this manner. If substitutes are required for more than 2 consecutive meetings, then chapter action should be taken to redesignate chapter delegates and alternates.


Individual Membership - Individual membership requires payment of membership fees and copy of DD 214 (Chapter will maintain copy) (Valid National VVA membership) All State Council officers must provide a copy of DD 214 to be eligible for elected positions.


Chapters - Only chapters in Good Standing may be seated, vote, and receive funding.


Requirements for Good Standing are:

1.      Good standing with National VVA to include Charter and annual financial report.

2.      Annual financial report to ASC Treasurer (by July 15or prior to ASC elections in those years)

3.      Report of elections each year to ASC Secretary (BY June 1) to include all

elected officials  (Name, address, phone, email) and regular meeting date, time and location.

4.      Copies of DD 214 for all chapter officers. Delegate attendance of at least one half

of all regular ASC meetings in the previous 4 quarters.

5.   Not on suspension by ASC or National VVA


Immediate Past President The Immediate Past President acts as an advisor to the President, Executive Committee, and ASC. He/she may also assume others duties as assigned by the President/EC. This individual may vote in executive committee meeting but is does not automatically have a vote at ASC meetings unless representing a chapter.


VVA Representative to Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs (SDVA REP) Nominations are taken by ASC. Three individuals are elected for nomination. Appointment to the Alabama Department of Veteran Affairs, Board of Directors is made by the Governor. Four-year term of Office. VVA has one or more seats on this board based on total State of Alabama membership according to Alabama State Law. This SDVA REP reports directly to the ASC at regular meetings and promotes and support issues as directed by the ASC to support veterans programs in Alabama.


Alabama State Council Meetings and Conventions


Regular Meetings The ASC holds regular meetings at a time and place designated by the President. At least one meeting a year is held in conjunction with the State Convention or Awards Weekend. The meetings usually start at 11 Am or other appointed time as determined by the ASC President and lasts about 3 hours. Notice of time and place for meetings follows State Bylaws.


Executive Committee Meetings Usually held starting at 10 AM or a time appointed by the ASC President prior to regular meetings or may be called by the ASC President.

Committee Meetings Committee meetings are held at time and place convenient to all members of the committee. Committees often meet prior to ASC meetings.


ASC Convention - Held every 2 years (Even years) and hosted by volunteer VVA chapter. State Council elections held at ASC at this time. The elections are run by a nominating committee in accordance with state and national guidelines. (Elected by chapter delegates). Convention includes ASC meeting, elections, committee meetings, training, banquet, and local activities.


Awards Meeting - Held every 2 years (Odd years) and hosted by volunteer VVA chapter. Meeting includes ASC meeting, committee meetings, training, Awards banquet, and local activities.


Alabama State Council Committees


The Alabama State Council will establish all standing committees and other committees necessary to conduct the business of the ASC (See ASC Bylaws).


Standing Committees The standing committees will be perform functions as described in the Constitution and Bylaws of the national Organization. The President of ASC shall appoint the chair of each committee with approval of the ASC.


Other ASC Committees


Finance Committee: Chair - ASC Treasurer * Consists of at least 3 members.

Duties include overall financial management of ASC funds to include annual budget preparation -advise on financial policy /procedures and fundraising - insure audits, and other related functions.   Committee will

meet at least 1 time each year or more if needed.


Fundraising Committee: Chair appointed by ASC President. Consists of at least 3 members. Duties include all areas of fund raising as applies to ASC funding. At least 1 member of Finance committee will serve on this committee.


Audit Committee: Chair - ASC First Vice President * Consists of at least 3 members. This committee will conduct an internal audit as instructed by the ASC Bylaws and will ensure external audits are done in compliance with ASC PPM. At least 1 member of Finance committee will serve on this committee.


Disciplinary Committee: Chair- Immediate Past President or appointed by ASC President ** Consists of at least 3 members. The committee will perform duties as prescribed by the ASC Bylaws in accordance with policies established by the National Organization.

Awards Committee: Chair appointed by ASC President Consists of 1 member of each Alabama VVA Chapter in Good Standing Duties in formulating policy and procedure for ASC Awards Program with State Council approval. Funds for the program will be approved as part of the ASC Annual Budget. The committee will meet at least 1 time per year before the ASC meeting held in June. All nominations for State Awards will be reviewed by the committee at this meeting.


Membership Committee: Chair ASC Second Vice President Performs duties as prescribed by National Organization to include reporting, recruiting, and assisting chapters and/or individuals with membership information and problems.


National Conventions and Meetings


Amount of funding will be determined by financial constraints of the ASC budget. All individuals will be funded in equal amounts.


Any individual receiving ASC funds to attend National Training or Convention will attend ASC Training/ Orientation prior to the event. Each individual will be informed of ASC expectations to include attendance, reports, and travel expense documentation. ASC will appoint an event coordinator for each event. (Highest ranking officer).


Any question of improper conduct, attendance, etc., will be delivered to the Event Coordinator or ASC President immediately. Event Coordinator or ASC President will investigate the complaints as soon as possible after being made aware of such. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, complaints delivered after that time will not be considered valid.


Any improper or questionable use of ASC Funds will be referred for disciplinary action.


National Leadership Training: The training is held every 2 years at a sight designated by National VVA and is open to any individual, chapter, or state council representative. AS funds allow, the ASC will fund individuals to attend this training with the stipulation these members will act as ASC trainers for a 2 year period Primary areas of interest include: Financial policy and procedure, membership, leadership, service representative, and any new State Council officer who has not attended National Training.


Applications for ASC funding for training will be submitted for consideration BY the ASC meeting held in April. The application should include name, address, phone, email and area of training interest. Written recommendation from chapter or the ASC is also needed.

National Convention and Meetings


Applications for ASC funding for National Funding will be submitted for consideration BY the ASC meeting held in April. The application should include name, address, phone, and email address. Written recommendation from chapter or the ASC is also needed.


Delegates from Alabama are: President

At Large Delegate  1       To be vote on by ASC Chapter delegates -

a.   members in good standing

b.    copy of DD 214 and application to ASC by deadline established

c.      selected by chapter and/or approved by state council

d.      if chapter is to be represented by other than chapter member, delegate must be approved by the member’s home chapter and the chapter represented

e  delegate will provide report (written or verbal) to chapter he/she represents

f.    Delegate will provide completed travel expense form to ASC WITHIN 30 days after trip

g.    will agree to comply with requirements set by the ASC and presented in the training prior to the event


Financial Policies Alabama State Council


The Alabama State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. (ASC) is the responsible party for all activities of the ASC, VVA Chapters in Alabama, and elected and appointed representatives of same. General financial policies apply to any individual or group supported with funding from the Alabama State Council.

The ASC will provide bonding for the ASC as needed. All Alabama VVA Chapters in Alabama will be responsible for their own bonding.


All expenditures of ASC resources will be restricted by the Annual budget. No expenditure will be approved that will result in a deficit of funds.


The ASC will retain approximately one year of operating funds in reserve unless the ASC in a regularly scheduled shall change the amount. These funds will be held in certificate of deposits or other secure investment method. The interest may be used but the reserve will be continued on an annual basis unless changed as described above.

The ASC President is the designated head of the state organization, and as such is the responsible for the all matters pertaining to the operation of the ASC business. All documents, official and unofficial, must be signed/approved by the President. Polices may be established to facilitate the timely processing of regular ASC business, but the President should be informed on a regular basis at to all such activity. The regular business of the ASC should be conducted in a timely manner (not to exceed a 10 day period). This includes deposit of all funds and payment of all bills or debts incurred. Authorized travel expenses will be processed under this guideline so not to incur undo hardship on any VVA member or representative.




All VVA Chapters in Alabama will provide a copy of the Chapter Annual Financial Report and other related documents to the ASC Treasurer by July 15 of each year or prior to ASC elections in those years.


All chapters will select ASC Delegates to attend at least 1/2 of all ASC regular meetings. Chapters will remit a membership fee of $2.00 per member per year (or other amount as determined by National) to the ASC. Failure to meet these requirements will result in disciplinary action.


All VVA Chapters will provide to the State Council Secretary a copy of the chapter elections report with DD 214's for each officer BY June 1st of each year. This report will include selected ASC delegates.


All funds spent will be approved by the Alabama State Council


Approval Procedure:

a.   Falls within guidelines established in ASC PPM

b.    Verbal or written prior approval by the ASC President and/or the ASC Treasurer

c.    Approved by vote of ASC


All funds spent will be documented in writing. Documentation may include receipts, minutes of ASC meeting, expense report, (form and explanation attached) or other approved methods.

Travel Expenses and Authorization


Reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses are authorized for ASC Officers, Executive Committee Members, Appointed or elected ASC representatives and committee members. Travel reimbursement may be extended to others if approved in advance by the ASC President, Treasurer or ASC.


Authorized travel includes official business on behalf of ASC. Reasonable expenses include meals, lodging, and travel fees.


A per mile established by the US Internal Revenue Service for mileage or travel within the state will be used.


A completed Travel Expense form is required for reimbursement.


Advanced travel funding will be provided upon request. A written request and proposed budget are required for payment. Any unused funds are to be returned to the ASC upon completion of trip along with completed Travel Expense Form and receipts as required.


Funding for travel to National Conventions and Training will be issued to the parent chapter. The Chapter will issue funds to the individual. The chapter then assumes the responsibility for appropriate use and documentation. All individuals will be funded at the same rate for these meetings.


General Funding Policies


NO ASC Funds will be used to purchase or supply alcohol or drugs of any kind.


Only VVA Chapters and members in "Good Standing" are eligible to receive ASC funds.

Any misuse or fraud involving ASC funds will be grounds for disciplinary action. Requests for donations to projects, monuments, or program must be sponsored by a VVA



The ASC will provided $250.00 or other appropriate sum per issue to the chapter or individual responsible for the publication of the State newspaper.


Items to be considered in the Annual Budget should be made in writing to the Finance Committee by Oct 1 to allow time for review and inclusion.


All ASC or VVA chapters funds will be held in an account bearing the name of the ASC or Chapter. A minimum of 2 member signatures should be listed on the account. Each withdrawal or check must require 2 authorizing signatures.

The ASC funds will be held in (an) account(s) with at least 3 authorizing signatures. TWO (2) signatures will be required for withdrawals or checks. At least 1 authorized individual will be the elected ASC Treasurer and others as designated by the ASC President.


In the event a VVA chapter in Alabama is dissolved or becomes inactive, the ASC will resolve all accounts, property, and commitments.


In the event chapter funds or property remain the funds and/or property:

a>    may  be  disbursed  by  the  remaining  chapter  members  through  charitable donations: or

b>   may be secured by the ASC for use or distribution


ASC Funds will be set aside in the minimal amount of $500.00 to provide support for the expenses of ASC Annual Meeting or Convention. These operating funds are for the use by the chapter hosting the event. Additional reasonable expenses will be reimbursed with receipts and report of actual funding costs. (Not included are travel and lodging expenses for approved ASC officers and guests).


An external audit of ASC funds may be done every 3 years or as deemed necessary by the ASC in Quarterly meeting.  An internal audit will be done every 2 years as prescribed in ASC Bylaws.


Election Procedures ASC Officers


Elections of State Council Officers will be held every two (2) years (Even years) at the ASC Meeting held in June.


Elections Committee (EC) - Chair appointed by ASC President - consists of at least 3 members (If a committee member is running for an ASC office, they may be excused from the committee during the contesting of the office for which they are running). A member of the State membership committee should serve on the committee to verify membership information for eligibility. The EC runs the elections, certifies eligibility of candidates, determines quorum and seats voting delegates.


Any Alabama VVA member in Good Standing (to include 1 year continuous membership in an Alabama chapter) may submit their name to the elections committee at least10 days prior to the election date. Their written bid for nomination should include: Name, address, phone, email, chapter, copy of DD14, proof of membership and office of intent.


The elections committee will accept all written nominations and certify eligibility prior to election date.

Election Procedure:


The election time and place will be published in conjunction with the ASC regular meeting in June. The regular business of the ASC will be conducted first. Elections will be the last order of business on the agenda.


Only current ASC officers (Non Voting), Elections Committee (Non Voting) and delegates (Voting) may be present during election procedure. Elections committee will verify voting delegates using ASC Bylaws, PPM and the membership roster provided by National or other proof of membership. Nomination may be accepted from the floor under the following provisions:

a> Any ASC officer or delegate may nominate a member from the floor.

b> A second is required for each floor nomination.

c> The individual being nominated is an Alabama VVA chapter member in Good Standing (Membership card) for at least 1 year, presents Copy of DD 214 to NC and agrees accept the nomination. A member not present may be nominated if documentation is provided along with a written statement to accept the nomination.


Election of officers

A.     The slate of ASC officers will be voted on by delegates only in the following manner: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary.


Any person nominated will leave the room until vote taken unless that position is not contested. If the person is a voting delegate, that vote will be counted as a vote in their favor.


If the candidate nominated for one offices not elected to that office, that person may be nominated from the floor a candidate and their eligibility will be carried forward.


B.    The EC will present the slate for each office for a vote. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Floor nominations eligibility will be verified. The vote will taken and tallied by EC.


Next office will be called. Candidates presented by EC. Nominations from the floor will be accepted. Vote taken and tallied.


Procedure repeated until all officers are elected.

Motion made by the chair of the elections committee to accept ASC as elected. Incoming ASC Officers will be sworn in at the Banquet held the night of the elections.

Incoming officers will assume office immediately.

Outgoing ASC officers will be recognized for past service at the evening banquet. Outgoing ASC officers will make arrangements with incoming counterpart to coordinate transition of duties and responsibilities.


Disciplinary Code and Procedures


The Alabama State Council, Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. will follow the VVA National Code of Disciplinary Procedures Appendix II to the Constitution.


The basic intent of the Code is as follows:

a.   Resolve differences informally is at all possible

b.    To address significant acts of misconduct, neglect or dishonesty

c.      Establish reasonable sanctions

d.      Establish appeal process


The ASC reserves the right to expand the Disciplinary Code Of Procedures if deemed necessary to meet the needs of the ASC.




The Policy and Procedures Manuel amendments require a majority vote at an ASC meeting and are effective immediately.